Section: New Results
Distributed programming
Participants : Gérard Boudol, Johan Grande, Manuel Serrano [correspondant] .
Shared-memory concurrency is a classic concurrency model which, among other things, makes it possible to take advantage of multicore processors that are now widespread in personal computers. Concurrent programs are prone to deadlocks which are notoriously hard to predict and debug. Programs using mutexes, a very popular synchronization mechanism, are no exception.
We have studied deadlock avoidance methods with the aim of making programming with mutexes easier. We first studied a method that uses a static analysis by means of a type and effect system, then a variation on this method in a dynamically typed language.
We developed more the second method. It mixes deadlock prevention and avoidance to provide an easy-to-use and expressive deadlock-free locking function. We implemented it as a Hop library. This lead us to develop a starvation-free algorithm to simultaneously acquire an arbitrary number of mutexes, and to identify the concept of asymptotic deadlock. While doing so, we also developed an optimization of exceptions (finally blocks).
Our performance tests seem to show that using our library has negligible impact on the performance of real-life applications. Most of our work could be applied to other structured programming languages such as Java.
This work has been presented at the 17th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP'15) [13] . More details can be found in Grande's PhD thesis [8] .